4 Ways to Burn Belly Fat

ways to burn belly fat

Attempting to lose weight, especially weight that has settled in the tummy area, can be a big undertaking. When clients come to you seeking your expertise to help them shed these unwanted and unhealthy pounds, there is useful advice you can give them that goes beyond exercise. Most belly fat is visceral fat, which is stored

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the risks of fad diets

We’re all familiar with the allure of fad diets. We’ve seen the commercials and the flashy web ads promising to help us drop pounds and inches from our waistlines. Celebrities endorse and promote diet trends to help them sell. In fact, the media seems to reveal a new weight loss secret every week. With such

Help your fitness clients stay cool and safe in the summer heat.

Your clients undoubtedly share your enthusiasm for outdoor workouts. However, there are special hazards during the summer that your less experienced clients might not be prepared for. Hot temperatures can lead to heat illnesses such as heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, so it’s important to provide guidance to help your clients protect themselves through

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You can make workout plans outside the gym!

Your clients come to you for individual, personalized training. Some clients train once or twice a week or more, others less frequently. The good news is that time in the gym is not the only means to getting a decent workout. These 8 tips can be used by just about anyone to turn everyday actions

As you begin shopping for Professional Liability insurance, choosing an appropriate limit of liability is a major consideration. Here are some of the factors you should take into account. Budget and Resources The limit of liability that you choose should correspond to the size and scope of your professional endeavors, as well as the dollar

Coaching marathon runners requires a lot of specialized knowledge.

As a fitness trainer, you may have trained and run marathons yourself. However, coaching other runners through their training requires more than just the knowledge you picked up along the way. Most coaching certification groups require their running coaches to have a broad education on topics beyond just their individual sport, including: Fundamentals of coaching

How to Create a Friendly and Safe Environment

The atmosphere you create at your fitness studio or gym can make a big difference in how impactful your clients’ workouts can be. Here are 11 ideas for how to create a friendly and safe environment for your work space: 1. Keep it spacious. Slip, trip and fall hazards are a leading cause of liability

What is covered by Lockton Fitness Professional Liability

Professional Liability Insurance is specialty insurance designed to cover fitness professionals charging a fee for services such as guidance, training, instruction, counseling, etc. in a professional capacity. Just as Auto, Home or Health Insurance provides the financial means to recover from unexpected circumstances on a personal level, Professional Liability Insurance provides financial security to practicing

Knowing how to manage an incident is important

In the daily routine of working as a Fitness Trainer or Instructor, you make every effort to provide careful, accurate instruction. You modify your approach appropriately for each client, and work hard to help them see results. Yet, despite all your best effort and determination to provide excellent service, sometimes unfavorable things happen—a client is